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Chocolate pudding recipe


 This is one of the easiest recipe for chocolate pudding that I've seen on net. When I was making it, I expected it to be a failure but surprisingly, it tasted amazing and I'm looking forward to making it again :D Since it turned out to be a success, I decided to post it on my blog with some modifications. So here's the simplest recipe to chocolate pudding without cream, chocolate and condensed milk! If you're craving something chocolatey but don't have many fancy ingredients that they use to make those stuff then this is the recipe for you! :) I'm sure all the ingredients here would be available very easily at home itself.

Ingredients required- (This recipe makes 6 puddings)

  • 1/2 litre milk
  • 1/2 cup sugar (Don't reduce the sugar or it may be bitter)
  • 2 1/2 tbsp of cocoa powder
  • 5-6 tbsp custard powder 
  • 1 tsp of vanilla essence
  • Shredded nuts for layering on sides (optional)
  • oil/butter for greasing the mould
*Steel bowls/ moulds for setting the pudding. 


1. Take 1/2 litre of milk in a utensil. Dissolve around 1/2 cup of sugar into it. Also add 1 tsp of vanilla essence.

2. Now keep this sugar and milk mixture on the stove until it is slightly boiling (Don't boil it too much, just keep heating it for 5 min)

3. Now take 21/2 tbsp of cocoa powder in a cup and mix it into around 4 tbsp of milk until it forms a smooth paste. Add this smooth mixture into the sugar milk mixture. 

Note: Make sure there is no lumps or it may burn at the bottom and give a really bad taste to your pudding.

4. Add 5 tbsp of custard powder into a cup and form a smooth paste with it by mixing it in  around 7-8 tbsp of milk. (or until smooth paste is formed).

5. Add the custard mix into the cocoa-sugar milk mixture and stir continuously or else lumps will form or it may get burned at the bottom. Keep stirring for about 5 min or until it gets clumpy or that pudding type texture. Once you reach that stage, switch off the stove. Cool the mixture for a little while (5-7 min)

6. Grease small steel bowls/ moulds with oil or butter. ( In case you're using plastic moulds, make sure your pudding mix is not too hot or the plastic will melt). Pour the mix quickly into your greased moulds. 

7. Now place the moulds in the freezer for about 2-3 hours. After that garnish the chocolate pudding with nuts or raisins.

Enjoy with friends and family! :D


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